Sunday, December 21, 2008

quiet weekend

I had yesh my third freakin gum surgery thursday, all the while coordinating getting my car into get fixed and renting a car. So needless to say I was no fun this weekend. However, I am the luckiest gal in the universe in that Rich made sure I had all the essentials: a ride to and from the surgery, movies, soft food and a delicious candle. I spent a great deal of time sleeping between Thursday afternoon and today. And when I wasn't sleeping, I was this cotton yarn! Well, let the healing far so good, but I don't want to jinx it! One thing about being home is I could run the kiln...look at the product of Pyle Christmas fun-night at the Marck's! And look at these kitties, thank goodness they get along...too cewt!!!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Sounds like the right pace given everything you've got going on! I want to kiss both your kittens' noses. I'll kiss my kittens' noses instead! lob!!!!