Saturday, June 21, 2008

No pictures but sentiment

Glad to have my man back, all glowing and he shaved all his hair off. I think that says something of a person who adventures out of their "comfort zone" returns to reality and shaves his head. To me it was a statement, "I'm it or frack you" and ya know what ....Love it! Are being apart was good time for both of us to reassess whats important to us as individuals. He remembered that its o-k to be alone and I remembered what its like to be Jelly. While he was gone I had a list of "To Do's" and they were both chores and things that I just needed to do for myself. So although the house wasn't sparkling when he returned, I was! My heart was full, full of missing him and also happy with who I am (gawd I just had a Doogie Howser moment) Its good to love your life and the direction its taking. Its good to be quiet with your thoughts and although you may still not know what you want to be when you grow up, you still like the direction that you are traveling. I attended a Jewelry Class today to revisit my silversmithing skills. The class was from 9 to 5, leaving Rich alone at home. He was able to defuse and reacclimate...his way in the home alone. He red the paper, went to Frys, found a tech problem to dechiper and I happily fracked up some silver to the point, after 8 hours the instructor took my piece from me and said, ya know, you've worked on this soooooo long and its totallly broken (again) but let me fix it and I'll get it back to you later. thus no pictures. but we went to the vet with the furry fam yesterday and the synopsis on Tig is she's fine now and we'll just keeping on. And thats life! Keep making the decisions to live and love life until you just can't do it any more. Love you all! K

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Sounds like a good time was had by all.
