Sunday, August 15, 2010

the ride continues....

I'm soooo thankful for my friends taking such gooooood care of me. Rich has learned to keep me sane, is to keep me busy...and many friends have adopted this approach. For example Lisa took me out for tacos and beers, Julie tried to get me outta the house, Lori O took me to lunch and a movie, Brian had us come out to Roseville Raceway,to see him do a couple “test drives” in a friends sprint car, the Pyle clan had a BBQ, Derek and Meghan Apples to Apples night (or was it ThankYou Card Etiquette night?) and lastly, Rich agreed to continue working on our bedroom while my heart and head are clouded with some heavy thoughts...I know this too will pass. And it will pass better with the love and support of a wonderful husband and the best of friends!!! Here are some pix from our weekend...and I'm even smiling in some of them ;)
Love ya all. K

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice floor