Wednesday, April 28, 2010

bumpy couple o weeks

So last Monday my Mom was taken away by ambulance and spent five scary days in ICU. Happily I can report she's doing better and is home. One of the nurses said we could bring her favorite food into although not the best picture of she is enjoying the first food in three days...I'm so glad she's better. Now time for moving her and my Brother into their new pad...many stressors, hopefully after moving in they can have more normal and calm existance. My Brother was the ringleader and was calm in the face of danger-I love him for his strength. My sister came down too and between the three of us we were able to keep moving forward. All the while Rich kept life moving on the homefront...allowing the bathroom remodel to act as his diversion. I'll post some pictures from our Saturday trip to bask in some sun for a short is precious, treat it with love and respect.

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