Sunday, March 07, 2010

honestly watchng Oscars/multitasking

Our weekend was a nice balance of chores and fun. Started with a long walk on the river with the girls Friday night. Saturday we headed up the hill, to Penn Valley to work on Margaret's entertainment center. I really have little to contribute, so I sit and chat, while Rich works cords, wires and such. The best thang about Margaret is...even though I see her almost always feels like I haven't seen her for months and we are never at a loss of things to talk about. Rich had hoped to share a computer with them but unfortunately it crapped out up there :( so he worked on their computer and blueray. We also enjoyed Mike's killar margaritas. Then off to Maria's for dinner-oh muy gawd sooooo goood. It was a long drive home but worth every minute of it!!!

Sunday was for chores and everybody was loving the sunshine! And with the extra time we commited to making a gourmet meal...beef tenderloin with gorgonzola, pasta with basil, arugula and roasted grape tomatoes and finally a mushroom salad that was out of this world. So all I can say is Burp and have be got leftovers for the week :D

1 comment:

Brenda said...

You had me at arugula. :)

Sounds like the perfect weekend! And how cute are the girlsies with their papa?
