Rich is feeling a little under the weather, so we are staying close to home...close to our pets. Tig is whining pretty much all the time and Meeps is back to losing weight...We went to the vet today for blood tests and pain pills for Tig. Our furry family makes our life wonderful and if I were to lose any of them, I would be a mess but not good news for either of them...sigh. Rich's sore throat made staying home acceptable and watching multiple movies ok. Lions for Lambs was wonderful...jury's still out on Hamlet 2. I knitted too while watching...look at tube top and jaunty skirt knit for my beer :D
Happy pre valentines day!
Oh the jury is in on Hamlet 2. Hated it! Truly one of the worst movies I've ever watched all the way through (with only a 15 minute nap somewhere in the middle.)
Hope Rich feels better soon. Does he want some cookies?
Trying to make bagles this morning with not much luck.
Look at your beer bottle outfit! :D
Sorry that Rich's sick - I've been fighting it all week (well, not fighting so much as a victim).
Hugs to all the fuzzies - and kisses too!!!!
Hee hee hee, stoner Penny ...
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