Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm been working on these since April

So thrilled to finally have these complete! Great weekend end, much work with the new kiln, dialing it in. Plus reconnecting with neighbors and friends, that fills my heart. Plus we watched Rock and Roll Circus, The Who, Taj Mahal, Rolling Stones, Yoko and John...what a flashback, if you like must Netfix it!


Brenda said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, don't sell that rectangular, blue/rootbeer/sparkly round in the middle thingy one on etsy. I want it! I will buy it. I've already named it. It's called "go around." Please can I buy it?

I don't wear necklaces, but I want it for it's beauty anyway! It speaks to meeeeeeeeee!

Anonymous said...

The one with the blue squiggle line.

Or I guess I could have said second from the right in the top picture. But my head was exploding, so I couldn't think.