Monday, May 28, 2007

Kellys Camping

Rich and I, Tig and Allie ventured to Kelly's for a quick camping trip. It was perfect...friends, beading, Coronas, live music, birthday girls, camping kids covered in marshmallow, summer, dirt, joy, sunshine and a little bug repellent.
Plus got home to this update on Meeps, "he's peeing, pooping, eating and drinking...that's all we expect at his you Tuesday with a geigercounter(sp?) reading to confirm when he can come home. Well tomorrow's Tuesday...I'll keep you all posted. K


Max Dove said...

sounds like fun time.

I'm hoping the best for Meeps...

Hang in there, and take care.


Anonymous said...

That's the first time I've seen pictures of camping and thought "that looks like fun!"

Glad Meeps is doing good!