Saturday, May 26, 2007

conspriring was involved

Greg and I were working on a birthday gift for Rich (Rich's bday is 6/10) Thinking I'm pretty smart enlisted the skills of a talented artist...I provided the canvas and Greg the talent. I thought it would be cool to have a spare tire cover, that ties Rich's FJ license plate reference to "Rocket Man." Yesterday while I drove home Greg called asking if we could give Rich his birthday gift early...I insisted no, we would have to wait, that its important that we all have something special on our natal he came over for more conspiring. The moment he showed it to me, I was we gave it to Rich. YEAH, then only to be disappointed that it didn't freaking fit. Its still such a cool piece of art, we are just going to have to mount it and display it. Happy memorial day...Meeps is good, next update will come in on Sunday. Hugz

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Max Dove said...
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