Sunday, September 25, 2011


I think the innocent act of dressing up for Halloween two years ago started something inside of me. Now I did some acting in my youth but for those that know me, I can go from extrovert to introvert withing the span of the same hour. But thats me-Rich on the other hand is an extrovert most all the time. So this year we both agreed to do something that we didn't really pre-meditate upon but embraced nonetheless. We dressed up like zombies with a whole bunch of other zombies and walked around downtown. Yes out in public. We didn't prep too much but the end result was still good and showed that we “committed” to the event. Rich and I have not only embraced being “joiners” now we are a step away from attending the next Renaissance Faire. Our latest event was the Seafarers and Pirate Festival, out on the Garden Highway. Once I accept an inkling of a concept, I'm off and running. I spent all week acquiring our costumes and accessories...Plus the timing of the event and the recently opened Halloween Stores worked out to my benefit. So I got frilly shirt for me and for Rich the most perfect hat. Oh and swords for both of us. Yes Lori, I was embracing my inner “Bloody Jack.” There were sooooo many kids with mock swords, mock fighting but having real fun. There was mead, rum, wenches, blacksmiths, real sword fights, stocks and a pirate band. The guy who looked like Geoffry Rusch with the rat. Might have been a little TOO into the event but thou shalln't judge. Not only was hes dressed to the nines, he had a mini pirate hat for his rat! It really makes you wonder, what the hell is his “day job?” All said and done, I had more fun dressed up than I would have if I had “street clothes” now we already have our Halloween costumes dialed in!!!!


Brenda said...

A tiny pirate hat for the rat! I loooove it. Looks like you had a blast. :)

LoriO said...

You're step away from the Ren Fair. I love that you guys are joiners, because I'm an observer and it's fun to see what you come up with!