Sunday, October 03, 2010

The only thing to top the Lewbowski Fiesta is Oktoberfest

Zicke, zacke, zicke, zacke, hoi, hoi, hoi!

Sacramento's Turn Verein hosts their annual Oktoberfest and as in past years, this year was again well attended! Just to get in, we had to wait in line for over an hour because the hall was literally filled to capacity. You couldn't get in until someone else left. I chided my friend Sherril who got there at 4:30ish for getting there tooo early. But by that point, when she and daughter, Sara popped by to find us still in line one their way out....who was laughing then?

Once inside, surrounded by hundreds of crazy-German and faux German revelers, we bought sausages, beers and started the search for seats together. Now mind you, the hall holds 300 plus people...and most every chair was occupied or “saved.” Once our group of four split up...we could finally sit down and inhaled a beer and sausage.

Eins, Zwei, Drei, g'suffa(With Beer stein/glass in hand)

Buddy Brian and his daughter Elizabeth joined us. Honestly, you can take any ordinary event and “add Brian” to the equation and the end result is always more than you expected.
Eventually, we were able to all sit together, singing, toasting, chicken dancing and cup stacking...funny how all these activities all made perfect sense last night. Plus look at my face when Brian starts telling me about having Rich join him shark fishing in the Bay. The dance floor downstairs was packed with families and more of the older folk but upstairs, Upstairs was where the “young” were. It was like walking onto a movie set for a frat party minus the toga's, with the band playing “love her madly” from the Doors. This one guy was Djrunk...and decided to launch himself into my picture frame...see if you can find him. We stayed for one song, one was was pretty crazy.

It was a fast and furious event but we packed a lot of fun into the short time. The event could only to be capped with Appfelkorn....oh sweet Jesus, that's some Dangerous stuff cuz its like sour apple hard candy. Hope Bevmo sells that!!!


Rich said...

MacDonalds MacDonalds...

Brenda said...

Looks like you had a big blast!

Stinky Swizlesticks said...
