Monday, January 25, 2010

Chiso continues to amaze and astound

So just when you thought you've seen it all, there's this.
I like to get the little Wheat Grass plants for the pets and realized that since Chiso's moved in...she's never had a "in door" plant to nosh on. Over the past 15ish years I purchased a number of these plants, the cats love to eat the grass and they usually last two-ish weeks. So being the proud momma, I offer it and go about my business. So a minute later (I swear) literaly I turn around and heres what I saw...


Brenda said...

Oh my gosh, I am laughing so hard! My dainty little cats chaw away at their kitty grass for a week or two also. This is too funny. God Bless Chiso!!!

Kris and Rich said...

oh wait, she'll be at your house soon.