Monday, September 07, 2009

Ok, my addictive tendencies manifested this weekend...

So my personal Crack is have been ready to "re-balance" our family by adding another pooch. Tig will NEVER be forgotten...and I am ok to move on, I have been working with an adoption agency to find a new being to share our lives. Friday they said we could come and see a puppy that resembled Tiger Lily all Friday Night between any break in conversation at the Hot Italian with Anna and Troy...I waited to hear next steps. NO NOTICE. Then Saturday we started the final a piece front yard ....meaning trips to Silverado, Home Depot and Hasties (gravel pit). Every time I came into my kitchen I checked the ol crackberry NOTHING...Then Sunday, more "hard labor" between crackberry checks NO WORD.... but sushi-yum...

Today I woke up, dragged arse outta bed at 7:45 and yes checked the CB...and 7:25am was a message from Pet Adoptions saying we could meet the (second) puppy that we were interested in...if we could do it thang ya know we are rattling down the road to Manteca. And Rich was smitten with a meer nibble of his nose...Meet Chiso


Brenda said...

OHHHHH. My. GOSHHHHHH. Chiso!!! Oh my gosh, I want to kiss his nose right now. :) Chiso, this is your Aunt Brenda, and you are going to LOVE me unconditionally, from the second we meet!

Brenda said...

BTW, how's the rest of the family, particularly my Allie Cat, accepting little Chiso?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

oh sissy,
chiso is just too cute, lob to you and new puppy and the balance of your clan bb