So we have a super long vacation weekend. We took Friday off to go skiing. We returned to our new fav...Boreal. Returned to our fav run but grew tired of it after a while, so I suggested going back to the bunny hill, but it had fun terrain options. The first time through, we sniffed out the half pipe, giggled at ourselves for even considering it...but skied on, past the jumps and ramps. Then we saw our inspiration, some precious 6 year old girl doing the same run, without poles at mach speed and no regrets. So we returned to the halfpipe, surrounded in twenty somethings, decked out in "board-wear" and they knew what they were doing...flipping and roaring down it. So we wait...but eventually we had to Sh*t or get off the down I a halfpipe is not really designed for skiers but fun can be had by tight turns and understanding the gravity to turn ratio. I was wussy but made it all the way down then hit the two jumps that at the speed I was going provided me zero air...but huge smile factor. Rich too, after one ride...we were hooked. Each time we improved our technique and daring, taking it further and challenging our skills. Now this middle aged skier knows her limits and confessed we had to make "this one" the final ride. So down the half pipe again, and after Rich got legitimate air, I headed to the mini jump...with little hesitation off I went...slowing enough to not kill myself and the next thing I know AIRBORNE (not the product to prevent colds) and then next I'm eating snow, skis at 10 and 2 spreadeagle.....laughing my ass off. Then I couldn't get up, I struggled for like five minutes to get up and down the hill. Rich and I retold our legendary runs over and over while we left.
After a ski trip, you have two choices, getting stuck in mortal traffic or leisurely stopping and really making a day of it. So down the hill to Nevada City, my power source. Rich practically ran to Cirino's for a celebration Bloody Mary...we have so many memories from this bar and restaurant. They do a mean BM with a beer back, delish with string beans, olives and peppericinis! Then enjoyed a wonderfully delish dinner and on Margaret's recomendation, stopped by Indian Springs Tasting room. We are now official Wine Club members-he he he.
That leaves Saturday for work. Which we did-more to be revealed later. Thanks Don and Mark for letting us joining you for a little sushi fest.
Wowweeee! Full weekend, lotsa fun, conquered fears, and ate well! Sounds like a success to me!
Uncle Rich maybe wants to call Bryce and have some mano et mano time? Google Andy Hoover and Jenna Faeth. Recent Sac Bee article. See Varass on deviant art, lots of pix of Jenna. Andy is like a floor ornament at our house. Nephew needs some hugz and change of scenery after the last couple of days. love jo
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