Saturday, November 29, 2008


We volunteered a Woffard Acres Vineyards (WAV) this weekend and you know there's just nothing wrong with being surrounded with friends, wine, pine trees and the challenge of a new experience. My friend Lisa's boyfriend, Mike is part owner at WAV and was in need of some support this weekend... so being "game," we said yes. Between the "Run for the Hungry" and working at the winery...volunteering just never ceases to amaze me in what it returns to you for the effort! We always wind up with much more in return for the yesterday's training was a prelude of the experience we'd have today...imagine a small "tasting room" filled with twenty plus sober ones and those tasting, asking for more and more wine. Mike is truly the master orchestrating tastes, for the "white wine only," Red wine only and lactose intolerant tasters...between mouthing the acknowledgement of the direction to the bathroom, getting water to the designated drivers, where the clean glasses are and how to join the "wine save 20%.

Well we know nothing (or really the equivalent to) about wine, accept we like it!!! We destroyed the pronunciation of Noibiollo, Pinotage and Monteverdi....actually I could barely say Soveneign Blanc...but the experience was valuable...cuz talking about something that I know little about is very good test to your BS- ibility. And ya know what...either together or alone we can "walk the walk!" We sold over a thousand bucks of wine today ! We are thrilled and must say...go see them next time you're in Apple Hill. Or call us, we'll meet you there! Tomorrow is rest day! Mike and Lisa, dinner was "above and beyond." Thanks to you both, K

Thursday, November 27, 2008

gobble thanksgiving!

We got up early and did the Race for the Hungry. 3.3 miles, running...ewwweeeee, we are in shape...just not for running. Its majorly a mental negotiation of survival....but through the pain, we made it to the finish line. And it was delightful to see Mark and Eric 2.0 at the end of the race, we weren't the only crazy ones.

Then after the race we headed to our newish family....Kelly and Erin are Toms (Rich's sister, Cookie's husband) neices. The most welcoming and wonderful dual family craziness. ahhh Thanksgiving, Wii fun, a killer meal, kids and while getting the rare opportunity to see our nephews, we feel like our family is growing. Happy TD to you all.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

some times you gotta try something new

friday night we opted for a crazy attempt to support a friend of ours, John (aka Grasshopper) from Taro's. We have tried to see his band, Imaginots, a number of times but never had it panned out. Then his girlfriend, Aimee caught Rich this week and told him that they had a perfect solution for the many false attemps. There was a 6pm we were in.

Club Retro, yesh needless to say one fact was left out. Club Retro is in the Family Christian Center Campus, in Orangevale. So really, no beer at this venue and the average age was 14...and that may be stretching it. I even went to H & M and got him a cool "rocknroll" tshirt...
sooooo, hmmm the show started 40 minutes late (of course) where of course we waited in the parking lot with all the teenieboppers. But we paid our $10 cover (really?) and FINALLY saw the Imaginots. They rock, kinda alittle Rush, Systemofadown, The Police and Paul Simon.

Then in return for Rich's need to do this, I touche'd him demanding we go to a new restraunt close to home. Its called, Pizza and Chicken Love Letters. It was reviewed in the Sacramento Magazine and won the "best name" prize. So livin on the cusp of Rancho Cordova there are a number of Korean same with this place, Korean owned. The owners were gracious and thrilled that we came in. We inhaled a few beers while they cooked our pizza and chicken. Gotta say YUMMY and you got to love their marketing!

As for today, Rich did chores and was kind enough to let me do Glass...kilns going-keep your fingers crossed. K
ps. Pizza is always a family affair in our house, look at this dogs! Can I see pizza in their eyes???

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Our Nephew, Bryce turned 21

And invited us to his celebration. Bryce celebrated with style, surrounded himself with family and friends. He started the night with Jamesons, then slammed something called a Washington apple and deferred on the Jaeger Bomb...he's smart though...smarter than I ever was...taken his time and drinking water too! Its great to see him so comfortable in his skin, successful yet silly. Off to So Cal to continue his education. Bryce you have such a bright future and your uniqueness sparkles from your soul. Jo you raise a great being...can't wait for each new installment.
ps. for extra credit...find Prez Obama's on the TV in the back of one of the pix